Sustainable tourism consultancy

With more than 20 years of experience, the Association of Ecotourism in Romania also provides consultancy in ecotourism and sustainable tourism.

The AER specialists can cover multidisciplinary approaches, on a wide variety of subjects, from sustainable tourism and ecotourism, interpretation of natural and cultural heritage, design, photography, architecture and interior design, nature conservation and communication.

AER maintains collaborative relationships with international specialists in tourism and related fields from Austria, Germany, Switzerland and France. They may become involved in the consultancy services for their input of knowledge and good practices from their countries.

AER is also in touch with the academic environment, by collaborating with Romanian and foreign professors, as well as with the private sector,  through the AER members, especially the small companies present on the Western European market for more than 10 years.

The consulting services offered by AER are addressed to:

  • Administrators and custodians of protected natural areas;
  • Business in tourism;
  • Local Action Groups;
  • Museums;
  • Destination management organizations;
  • Governmental organizations;
  • Non-governmental organizations in the field of sustainable development;
  • City halls and county councils.

Types of services


  • Tourism/ecotourism strategy;
  • Visitor management plan;
  • Light mobility plan;
  • Heritage interpretation concept;
  • Tourism monitoring.

Light tourist infrastructure

Tourist destinations

  • Assistance for destination management and organization of a MDG;
  • Positioning the destination on the tourist market;
  • Making promotional materials.

The profit obtained from the consulting activities is used to support the AER activity of developing a network of ecotourism destinations and to shape Romania as an ecotourism destination at European level.

What are your plans?

The first step is to talk and understand the development needs of your area.
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