Join Us

Find out how you can become a member of Romania’s most active eco-tourism association!


  1. Read and agree with the Statute of AER;
  2. Complete the AER Membership Application Form;
  3. Send us a short description/letter of motivation for joining AER;
  4. Please enclose two letters of recommendation from two AER members/partners who are familiar with your activities. For details about these, please check the Members page.
  5. Include a copy of the identity card of the natural person, or of the legal representative in the case of a legal person, marked “Certified to be a true copy of the original seen by me” and signed by the legal representative.
  6. For legal persons, include also a copy of the tax identification certificate, marked “Certified to be a true copy of the original seen by me” and signed by the legal representative.
  7. For legal persons, include the certificate issued by the ONRC or the registry certificate in the case of associations and foundations, showing the legal representative. If the certificate has not been issued electronically by the competent authority, then this document must also be marked “Certified to be a true copy of the original seen by me” and the signature of the legal representative must appear on it.
  8. Once the AER Board has agreed that you can join, you will become a provisional member, then you will be validated at the next Annual General Meeting of the members (normally it takes place in March).
Download the Statute of AER

    If you have any questions about joining, please don’t hesitate to ask us.

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