We were born in 2004 out of passion, and we have been organizing trips for small groups ever since. Our guests prefer visiting smaller areas, seeking a more profound understanding of the places. By means of walking and hiking, we notice details of flora, fauna, and landscape, and also meet the locals. Beyond clichés and tourism slogans, our tours are fairly intense experiences. The genuine Romania lies in the details.
The Banat region – bisons, orchids and Art Nouveau
With our city Timișoara being European Cultural Capital 2021, the whole region of Banat has become a destination for unconventional holidays. We first admire the Art Nouveau architecture of Timisoara’s old streets. Then, we head for the countryside in the highlands, picking activities based on season and interests. We search for wild orchids in the Cerna Valley, Nera Gorge or at the “Iron Gates” of the Danube, or for the bisons roaming free in the Carpathians (a project by our friends from the WWF).
From Transylvania to the Danube Delta. We start with a first-hand experience of the heritage of the Transylvanian Saxons, then cross the Carpathians into neighbouring Wallachia, wandering through pristine forests in search of dwellings of ancient Orthodox hermits. On the last slopes of the Carpathians we cheer up with Wallachian wine, then head for the nearby Danube Delta: five days of rowing (motorised boat) and paddling (canoe) through the birds’ paradise, right to the end –the Black Sea!
Contact: Cristi Bădoiu
Phone: +40 722 525 734