Southwestern Carpathian Wilderness


  • Creating the conditions for a functional network of wilderness areas in five protected areas in south-western Carpathians by improving the management, increasing the capacity of protected areas managers, awareness among the key local actors.
  • Promoting and supporting sustainable local and regional development in relation to the promotion of the project area as one of the top wilderness areas in Europe, including its development as part of the national network of ecotourism destinations.
  • Supporting the key local actors (managers of protected areas, local and county authorities) to develop a strategy for the wilderness area in the south-west of the Carpathians, this being the basis of further development of the area.
  • Using the results of the project to inform the central authorities on the management issues of the wilderness area and on the opportunities for local and regional sustainable development.


Duration: 1 September 2013 – 31 March 2017
Budget: 94.582 EUR (10% AER contribution)
Lead partner: WWF-DCP Romania
Funding source: Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Programme
Coordinator: Bogdan Papuc

For more information about the Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Programme;

This web page does not necessarily reflect the official position of the Swiss Government. The Association of Ecotourism in Romania is fully responsible for this content.


Descoperă sălbăticia din Carpați

Wild Carpathians

