Lucrăm împreună pentru o Europă verde, competitivă și incluzivă.
- Raising awareness among the locals regarding the problem of pollution with non-degradable waste in three ecotourism destinations that will generate a civic mobilization among citizens and local governments.
- Generating a movement through tourists and ecotourism destinations to claim the green Romania and to start an advocacy campaign addressed to the Romanian Government focusing on the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Environment, and the Parliament for the recognition of waste pollution as a national priority and the initiation of concrete measures in the first two years of the newly elected Government and Parliament.
- Increasing the organization’s notoriety by improving the ability to communicate information regarding its activities to the public and having a consistent online presence during the two years of the project.
Duration: 1st of June 2021- 31st of May 2023
- Țara Dornelor Ecotourism Association
- Retezat Tourism Association
- Măgura Ecoturistică Association
Budget: 265.994,23 EUR, out of which 15.997,16 EUR represents co-financing. The grant amount is 249.997,07 euro.
Funding source: Project financed by Active Citizens Fund Romania, programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021.
Coordinator: Bogdan Papuc
- Mapping waste areas in each ecotourism destination.
- Conducting interviews with locals and representatives of the local authorities to identify the causes of waste in destinations.
- Raising awareness among the locals through 3 communication campaigns, one for each destination.
- Initiating cleaning campaigns in each ecotourism destination by involving the local community and local entrepreneurs.
- Developing action plans assumed by local authorities to solve the waste problem in each ecotourism destination.
- Conducting a national awareness campaign on the waste problem in ecotourism destinations.
- Launching a petition aiming to get at least 5,000 signatures to put pressure on national authorities to recognize the waste problem at a national level.
- At least 15 professional tourism associations and destination management organizations will support the national campaign on waste problem in ecotourism destinations.
- Organizing a national conference on waste problem with a minimum of 100 participants.
- Meetings with representatives of the Ministry of Tourism and other national authorities to discuss the waste problem.
- Putting the waste problem in ecotourism destinations on the governmental and parliamentary committees’ agenda.
- Better communication of AER’s activities by presenting updated information on the two websites (press releases, annual reports, information about projects and sponsors, publications, information about ecotourism destinations, other information about AER’s activity, articles on the blog).
The project is implemented by The Association of Ecotourism in Romania (AER) in partnership with Țara Dornelor Ecotourism Association, Retezat Tourism Association and Măgura Ecoturistică Association and benefits from 249,997.07 euros grant from Active Citizens Fund Romania, programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021.
The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the official position of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021; for more information visit More details about Active Citizens Fund Romania are available at