- The development of some specific eco-touristic offers (cycling and rowboat rides), as an alternative at motorized transport in these two areas (Destination1: Dinosaurs Geopark Țara Hațegului, Retezat National Park and Destination 2: the North-East part of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve) by arranging in Destination 1 at least 5 bike routes and minimum 5 routes for oar boats in Destination 2 which can serve as a support for the sustainable development model in protected areas bringing economic benefits for local community development.
- Increasing the capacity of local networks and local associations to manage the necessary knowledge to practice ecotourism activities with a positive impact on biodiversity and to implement best practices in ecotourism and in nature conservation.
- Increasing local people’s awareness of natural and cultural values from Retezat and the North-East part of the Danube Delta and their promotion among the large Romanian public through the model of eco-destinations.
Duration: 01 February 2012 – 31 April 2013
Budget: 98.920 USD (53.920 USD AER and AIP – Mila 23 contribution)
Funding source: GEF-SGP
Coordinator: Andrei Blumer