Increasing management capacity for the sustainable development of tourism at the level of local destinations and Brașov County, within the partnership between local public administrations, the private sector and NGOs.
- Increasing the management capacity for the sustainable development of tourism at the municipality of Brașov, by formulating and promoting the development vision elaborated in a participatory manner and with national and international expertise, as well as a tourism monitoring system applicable for the next 10 years.
- Increasing the management capacity of tourist destinations in Brașov county, with the help of national and international expertise, bringing support for the partnership between public administrations, the private sector, and NGOs, providing a working framework for the next 10 years.
Duration: 31 August 2022 – 30 October 2023 (14 months)
Beneficiary name: The Association of Ecotourism in Romania
Buget:423,472.80 lei, of which 8,469.46 lei represent co-financing. The value of the non-refundable financing is 415,003.34 lei
- The formulation of local development directions through sustainable tourism for the municipality of Brașov, within a participatory process with representatives of the public administration and associations with a tourism profile (NGOs) and with national and international technical assistance.
- Increased capacity of professional associations and public authorities at local and county levels to operate with the concept of destination management organization and to put into practice the techniques specific to sustainable tourism and ecotourism.
- Creation of a tourism monitoring tool available to professional associations (NGOs) and public administration.
- Initiating the process of assuming the concept through individual meetings and presentation in the plenary of the two councils.
Organization of 3-day course – Introduction to destination managementIntroduction to destination management courseCreating a tourist monitoring tool for a destinationThe development of a unitary concept of sustainable tourism for the entire territory of Brașov municipalityCourse organization 5 days – Technical course on the management of a tourist destinationTraining in the management of a sustainable tourist destinationOrganization of a event – project final conference
- The object of the purchase: event organization services (room rental, coffee break and lunch)
- Contractor name: S.C. KOLPING CONCEPT S.R.L.
- Purchase value: 13,578 lei (value including VAT)
- Contract period: 07.12.2022 – 31.03.2023
- The object of the purchase: Introductory Course in Destination Management
- Contractor name: S.C. ALTA CONSULTING S.R.L.
- Purchase value: 8,640 lei (value without VAT)
- Contract period: 13.12.2022 – 31.03.2023
- The object of the purchase: tool for tourist monitoring of a destination
- Contractor name: S.C. Détente Consultants S.R.L..
- Purchase value: 44,030 lei (value including VAT)
- Contract period: 12.12.2022 – 30.10.2023
- The object of the purchase: Unitary concept of sustainable tourism for the entire territory of the municipality of Brașov
- Contractor name: S.C. Détente Consultants S.R.L.
- Purchase value: 73,185.00 RON (value including VAT)
- Contract period: 01.02.2023 – 30.10.2023
- The object of the purchase: event organization services (room rental, coffee break, lunch and simultaneous translation services)
- Contractor name: S.C. ACSB EVENTS S.R.L.
- Purchase value: 44.900 lei (value including VAT)
- Contract period: 03.04.2023 – 12.05.2023
- The object of the purchase: training in the management of a sustainable tourist destination
- Contractor name: S.C. ALTA CONSULTING S.R.L
- Purchase value: 70.100 lei (value including VAT)
- Contract period: 25.04.2023 – 30.06.2023
- The object of the purchase: organization of a dissemination event – project final conference
- Contractor name: S.C. QOSMO HOTELS S.R.L.
- Purchase value: 14.007,04 lei (value including VAT)
- Contract period: 25.04.2023 – 30.06.2023
Project co-financed from the European Social Fund, through the Operational Program Administrative Capacity 2014-2020 – MYSMIS 151424.