- Develop the network of nine ecotourism destinations in order to become the leading product of the Romanian tourism, by developing guidelines, training programmes for the National Tourism Authority staff, organising national ecotourism conference and media events.
- Increase the capacity within each destination for “green” operational and marketing performances, focussing on future destination managers, local businesses for improving their “green” performances and enlarging the access to effective green marketing.
- Develop the Calimani Visitor Centre integrating the indoor and outdoor components, based on a coherent concept, setting up the nature interpretation infrastructure and increasing the capacity of Park staff for communication and interpretation.
- Set up tools for a functional partnership among the network of responsible local tourism businesses, the Tourism Information Centre and the Park Visitor Centre to become the driving force of the ecotourism destination. The activities from WP4 are enforcing the green management practices of the local tourism businesses and provide tools for cooperation, workshops for guesthouses, local tour operators, managers of Tourism Information Centre and Park Visitor Centres.
Duration: 01 May 2014 – 30 November 2016
Lead partner: Ecotrans
AER Budget: 218.997 EUR (118.960 EUR AER contribution)
Funding source: German Environmental Foundation
Coordinator: Bogdan Papuc