- A minimum of seven ecotourism destinations recognized by the Romanian National Authority for Tourism (ANT) who implement a coherent policy for ecotourism development and promotion.
- Each ecotourism destination is coordinated by a DMO, which in turn belongs to a DMO network coordinated by AER; AER becomes a permanent partner for ANT in developing and promoting ecotourism in Romania.
- Each local DMO:
– is recognized and treated as the destination manager by all local public and private stakeholders;
– is able to plan, coordinate and implement local ecotourism policy;
– runs on a functional financial mechanism.
Duration: September 2014 – June 2019
Budget: 393.780 lei
Funding Source: Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation (Miercurea-Ciuc) and the Romanian-American Foundation (RAF)
Coordinator: Bogdan Papuc